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Friday, 24 October 2014

I Think Sometimes Of

I think sometimes of roofs. I think sometimes of crypts. The bellowing gorge of abandonment. A peopled brink severed to the air, but just to the storm.

I think sometimes of masks. I think sometimes of brows, of thunder-tang roiling within as lip dispenses sweetened portions. 

Some worlds are bereft of a smell, the bludgeon of gods when foot is set on strange verge. I think sometimes of them. They make a limb stride naked to spirit.

I think sometimes of might. I think sometimes of illusion. A stung stalk would bow to a passing sun yet passionless to fevered sap. A smile would inspire the rains but splice mind with denial. I think sometimes of faces.

I think sometimes of roads, of famished filaments of doom. The youth of preacher-men retched upon the belly. Incantation squelching gore.

To end is to crown. Yet beginnings lurk in wounds. Beginnings recoil within the void of fissures. Beginnings end in passionless chimes of a tired world.

I think sometimes of spiders, where once to me the faceless touch of a cobweb arose. I think sometimes of nights. I think sometimes of miracles. I think sometimes of love.

I think sometimes of clothes I have worn, the fleeting girth of flesh, the timeless tragedy of progression. What strain of will hugs life to its breast and deserts the night next?

I think sometimes of roots, of millions of tongues fugitive from truth. Hermit, you must deny the cave.  Traveller, you must deny your home?

Dreams are variable. Variables are dreams. Insolent, variables assail dreams. Rebellious, dreams assail variables.

I think sometimes of death. Impassive brush of ice. Last returning of a stark impatient wrath. Grey plumes and wrinkled mats. I think sometimes of grandmother.

Of three I think sometimes. Of embraces matchless. Of trysts past. Of three I think sometimes. Maybe some time, I shall think of four.

Photos By Akudinobi Minella (@minadabelle)


  1. Lovely photography!

    1. You can text that again lol. Thanks for the view, B

  2. Your dreamy! :)) I love this post

  3. Wow! Lovely write. The poet's mood just captures the reader in an ascetic way.. Nice work bro. (y)

    1. Ascetic lol...and ascetic it shall be. Thanks for the comment, bro. I'm glad I can still pluck a glimpse of.

  4. Oyin. Your thoughts are honeyful! Thanks for inking and sharing 'em.

  5. Nice one!!!! Makes so much sense...... Thanks for the credit :)

    1. Hey look who's here! :) It's a pleasure, Minella. Your works were muse to the thoughts, you know.

  6. This is creative. I like I like Ilke

  7. I like what you do with language. Beautifully rendered lines and thoughts.

  8. Prof. You amazing use of language is powerful

  9. Profound, gosh, thats beautiful Oyin

  10. Your use of language is truly amazing!

  11. you make words seem different from what I use everyday. I agree with Sir Shittu and Yusuf, I love what you do with language prof welldone and great photos too Kudos to the eye behind it

  12. Wow, beautiful woven words, and great pictures too. Now I'm thinking of roofs now.

  13. This jus got me thinking. Wow! U've never stopped amazing me Oyin :)


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