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Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Destination | Photography by Pelumi Kayode

"One's destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things."
              Henry Miller

Pelumi Kayode is a lover of the lens and of the flash, of music and of art, people, fashion and technology. He lives in Abuja, Nigeria. Find him on social media beginning from here.


  1. Replies
    1. You'll figure. It's a turn-on for a poet when pictures speak depth, isn't it?

  2. Great post. Awesome photos from the photographer.

  3. Beautiful shots!

  4. Imaginative photography. Wait, is that really possible? Lol. Frankly though, these are top-notch!!!

  5. What is the rooster planning?...*Laughs*

  6. Great works of art!

  7. Replies
    1. Really, Omokaro Umubi. Every world that we know of consists of what the mind has made each to be. Places aren't as important as our memories of places.

  8. Lovely shots. Inspires an imaginative mind.

  9. Adeeko Ibukun9 May 2015 at 17:02

    Oludipe, I see radiance.

  10. Call it Magic, call it Arts!

  11. Photographs are a way to capture memories. Moments fly away but it is the pictures and photographs which help us remember those moments and live them again. They help us connect to our past and we all like our past to be beautiful. clipping path service

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